
Our Projects include technology-based joint ventures; in-house sponsored research and development activities; minority shares in start-ups, spin-offs and ventures; participation in publicly or privately funded projects related to our field of activities; etc.

During the projects, TTP Lab:

  • Assists, monitors and consults during the different phases of the project development and implementation (concept review and re-assessment, technical milestones, prototyping, business strategy, marketing…)
  • Assists and supports the screening, auditing and evaluating of the projects, adopting a sequenced, reiterated analysis and progressively more sophisticated screening, mapping & review to look at different aspects of the projects and their interrelations, namely product(s), technical and technological content(s), relevance, human resource(s) and competencies, intellectual asset, market potentials and readiness, product life cycle, commercial and growth perspectives…

TTP Lab’s projects portfolio comprises and is built of ventures in different phases of investments, from seed to expansion and later stages.

We are currently dealing with activities and initiatives in different industrial sectors. Among others: Textile; Security & Anti-Counterfeit; Road Safety & Smart Traffic; Lighting, Innovative signals and indications; Renewable energy; Innovative materials for building and construction, Smart Building…

Please consult our i-Tech Boutique section for more about it.